
You can either host the web API locally (for testing local URIs), or can use the LANL hosted instance at

API Specification

[GET] /




URI of the resource


Date and time for validating resource


Type of the resource to validate


Flag for follow-up tests. Default `False`


“” >> curl ‘,%2001%20Apr%202010%2012:00:00%20GMT&uri=’ “”

“” {

“datetime”: “Sun, 01 Apr 2010 12:00:00 GMT”, “follow”: {}, “pipeline”: “mementoweb.validator.pipelines.timegate.TimeGate”, “result”: {

“reports”: [

“description”: “Tests for the validity of the URI of the resource including validity and connectivity.”, “name”: “URITest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.uri_test.URITest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “Valid URI”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2



}, {

“description”: “Tests for the timegate redirection. Checks for any redirection and tests for the validity”, “name”: “TimeGateRedirectTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.timegate_redirect_test.TimeGateRedirectTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “TimeGate returns 302”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2



}, {

“description”: “No description”, “name”: “HeaderTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.header_test.HeaderTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “Location Header found”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “Accept-Datetime not in Vary header”, “result”: “Fail”, “status”: -1



}, {

“description”: “Tests for the compliance of Link header original relation.”, “name”: “LinkHeaderOriginalTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.link_header_original_test.LinkHeaderOriginalTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “Original link present”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2



}, {

“description”: “Tests the compliance of Link header timemap relation.”, “name”: “LinkHeaderTimeMapTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.link_header_timemap_test.LinkHeaderTimeMapTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “Timemap link present”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “Timemap type present”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2


], “timemaps”: [


}, {

“description”: “Tests for the compliance of Link header memento relation.”, “name”: “LinkHeaderMementoTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.link_header_memento_test.LinkHeaderMementoTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “Memento link present”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “Selected memento not in link header”, “result”: “Warn”, “status”: 1

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “Memento contains datetime attribute”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “Memento datetime parsable”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “First Memento does not match first in the Timemap”, “result”: “Warn”, “status”: 1

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “Last Memento does not match last in the Timemap”, “result”: “Warn”, “status”: 1



}, {

“description”: “Tests for the timegate redirection. Checks for any redirection and tests for the validity”, “name”: “TimeGateBlankRedirectTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.timegate_redirect_test.TimeGateBlankRedirectTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “TimeGate returns 200 or redirect for blank Accept-Datetime”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “TimeGate redirects to last memento without Accept-Datetime”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2



}, {

“description”: “Tests for the timegate redirection. Checks for any redirection and tests for the validity”, “name”: “TimeGatePastRedirectTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.timegate_redirect_test.TimeGatePastRedirectTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “TimeGate returns 302 for datetime in past”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “TimeGate redirects to first memento for datetime in past”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2



}, {

“description”: “Tests for the timegate redirection. Checks for any redirection and tests for the validity”, “name”: “TimeGateFutureRedirectTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.timegate_redirect_test.TimeGateFutureRedirectTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “TimeGate returns 302 for datetime in future”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2

}, {

“description”: “”, “name”: “TimeGate redirects to first memento for datetime in past”, “result”: “Pass”, “status”: 2



}, {

“description”: “Tests for the timegate redirection. Checks for any redirection and tests for the validity”, “name”: “TimeGateBrokenRedirectTest”, “source”: “mementoweb.validator.tests.timegate_redirect_test.TimeGateBrokenRedirectTest”, “tests”: [


“description”: “”, “name”: “Timegate does not return 400 for broken datetime”, “result”: “Fail”, “status”: -1




], “timegates”: [], “timemaps”: [


}, “type”: “timegate”, “uri”: “
